tv time machine
about the tv time machine
youtube time machine ( was a website i discovered several years ago.

it would let you select a decade and enjoy some random television from that decade - it was essentially just a collection of youtube playlists.

now its dead and chrome warns me it might be trying to phish me, so, oh well *shrug*.

here, i attempt to recreate something to that effect.

you can find my version of youtube time machine here. i call it tv time machine to remove any confusion from the original.

this is a decidedly low-tech effort, like much of this website, with focus being on novelty, rather than sophistication.

there are some obvious issues with this - youtube videos get deleted all the time, and maybe maintaining this was becoming more trouble than it was worth. now i can't promise you that you'll ALWAYS find exactly what you want, but if you switch channels a couple of times, i assure you that you will find something to indulge in and be nostalgic about. also not to mention that a lot of pre-2020 tv was not politically correct, so, watch out!